Did He Miss The Most Important Boat?

THE VOYAGE OF SINGER DAVID CROSBY, 81, has reached its end. As the twinkly-eyed hippie patriarch of Crosby, Stills and Nash, he wrote some of the 20th century’s best songs, music fans say. Although he didn’t pen “Southern Cross,” he was part of the harmonic trio that performed the unforgettable 1980’s hit.
THE SOUTHERN CROSS is a constellation of stars which can be seen from most of the Southern Hemisphere. The four brightest stars within the constellation form a cross pattern. For centuries sailors have relied on the Southern Cross as a divine creation, critical to navigating their boats. Lives depended upon it. Like a lighthouse.
ACCORDING TO SONGFACTS, they recorded the song in 1981, when, as Nash explained, David Crosby crossed a rubicon: drugs became more important than music. By the time the album was released in 1982, Crosby had been arrested on drug charges for which he eventually served an eight-month prison sentence. After decades of hard-core drug use he underwent a liver transplant in 1994. He’d survived diabetes, hepatitis C and heart surgery in his 70s.
“Don’t mess with hard drugs. That’s definitely a big lesson,” Crosby said. “I’ve realized that there are certain things that are really important to me – my family and the music – and that I really shouldn’t let anything else distract me from those things.”
DID CROSBY MISS THE most important boat? That of accepting Jesus as his Savior for eternity? Crosby was friends with The Beatles’ George Harrison who was following pagan guru teachers in India. Crosby wanted to warn George to “take it with a grain of salt” but kept his mouth shut. “I did not want to come off like a snot to my new friend who I really respected.” Sadly, Crosby has been quoted as saying that he didn’t believe in God and “is not really a big fan of religion.”
DON’T BLAME YOU for not being a fan of stiff, fake religion. It is, instead, supposed to be about an authentically-alive, repentant relationship with The Captain of our Souls.
DID CROSBY find that while sailing along on this earth? Perhaps he found money, fame, sobriety and even love. But none of that matters when the voyage is over. And that’s as big as the promise, the promise of a comin’ day. — Renee’ for the Republic, M.S., StarSpangledChick.com
THE SEAWORTHY VIDEO here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw9gLjEGJrw
Think about, think about how many times I have fallen,
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin’.
What Heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten,
I’ve been around the world, I have been around the world
Lookin,’ lookin’ for that woman, girl
Who knows, she knows
who knows love can endure.