The Hatching of a Mission
This is the story of a small-town girl who went to Washington, the epicenter of the world. Worked at the Capitol for a Congressman amid movers and shakers. Lived in D.C. just long enough to know that there’s no other country in the world like the grand and gloriously free U.S.A.
At the National Archives Museum, that young lady peered inside a highly-protected, bullet proof, oxygenated, glass-display case featuring special high-tech lighting designed to keep ancient documents from fading. Inside? The sacred Constitution written in 1787. The Declaration of Independence. And the Bill of Rights. Guards stood by and, for a moment, it seemed time stood still. The experience was etched in her mind forever.
One day she would become a parent, blessed with a miracle baby. One day, as her only child became a teen, this mom would be mortified to witness the U.S.A. spiraling.
Manipulative maneuvering and indoctrinations by socialist Marxists. Lures of propagandized, empty promises of “free” this and that. Anti-American determination to deceptively dismantle and rip apart the Constitutional documents guarding our freedoms.
Tired of witnessing this bullying and butchery, she took a God-given vision for this rescue mission and ran with it. Forging forward, on faith and a shoestring.
Inspiring to bring the patriotic, values-cherishing, freedom-loving lifestyle back! Who says we can’t reclaim the good ol’ days?
And that, my friends, is the short version of how Renee’ for the Republic / The Star Spangled Chick was hatched. Join this mission to unite, restore and soar! Together, we can take our country back!
Born for such a time as this! Hold the line! Let’s roll!