Protecting liberties for all. Revitalizing a USA-loving life. Fighting for future generations.

Looking Back at Accomplishments

Year in review


In 2021, a censoring and controlling regime gained power, as a virus (a suspected bioweapon) is being used to cripple the U.S. and further bankrupt its economy, creating government dependence.

Many methodologies and manipulations are being used to accomplish coercive, anti-Godly socialist / Marxist and pre-communist agendas. Seemed like a bad time to launch a God-inspired vision. But God doesn’t desire attitudes akin to cowering, compliant kittens. He’s looking for bold, roaring lions who will speak FULL, fearless Truth, not the watered down, sugar-coated, culture-driven-immoral crap that leads to captivity. Which are we to be?

Will we the people roll over, SUPPRESSED AND SILENCED, in the New Year? God forbid.

It’s time to be red-white-and-blue in 2022! I encourage everyone to reflect upon your purpose to leave a legacy of freedom for your children and grandchildren. See you on the battlefield?

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Contact Info

Contact us via: or Renee’ for the Republic / The Star Spangled Chick, P.O. Box 22103, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37933 USA.

We’re out in the mission field daily, fighting for your liberties. And championing to bring back the USA-loving lifestyle!

Story and Pic Contest

Why do you love America? What jolted you awake that the USA is under attack both internally and externally? Converted from liberalism? How did that change your heart? What are you doing to help save this country? Know someone who would make a great story about grit and glory? Have a story you’ve written, or a pic you’ve taken that exemplifies any of the above? If chosen as a winner you could win a T-shirt or a coffee mug. Email us at with the subject line: Contest. Include full name, street address (no P.O. Boxes), zip code, phone, and (required) permission for publication. Thank you for your patriotic spirit!