A Feisty Fighter Gone Too Soon
(Heart)BREAKING NEWS: America loses one of its warriors who fought against socialism, Marxism, and communism. The dynamic duo Diamond and Silk is minus one, as Lynette Hardaway (Diamond) has died suddenly. She was 51.
WAS BLESSED to have interviewed them a couple of years ago when they were on national tour. Was told by their press person I’d have about 15 minutes to talk with them but it turned into a Southern girls gabfest which went well over an hour. Our hearts were in sync to say the least.
I’LL FOREVER be inspired by these closer-than-close sisters and their rags to patriot story of how they were working in a factory in N.C. and decided they’d “had it” with the lies being told to Black Americans. Promises always made but millions are being used by the deceptive Democrat Socialist Party and the corrupt Black Lives Matter organization. They railed against how so many just followed along robotically instead of critically thinking. “Obama promised hope and change. He took the hope and made off with the change,” Diamond quipped. She also exposed how the Obamas purposefully sow division by playing the race card, a Marxist move.
THE DUO DID a video of themselves heading to the election office to switch parties. It went viral and they became famous with the help of President Trump who recognized and saluted them at a huge rally. The rest is history. The pair often appeared as commentators on TV.
THESE SNAPPY and FUNNY LADIES, both devout believers, spoke of faith, family and freedom. (Diamond was reportedly at their church in N.C. last weekend).
They kept me on my toes and mesmerized with their passion for making America great again.
PLEASE PRAY for Rochelle Richardson (Silk), as I’m sure she’ll feel lost without her sidekick and beloved sister Diamond, a true gem who is shining brightly in heaven now.